Super Moon
Tortoises can live for over 100 years. This one raises
its head and with a wink of a blinkless eye a sparkle blooms
from the sags and wrinkles and worries of a weary world. A
sparkle that says, “Why not?” Why not ride this Yum Yum bus.
Climb aboard this is a yes to Yeehaw! Yes to shedding old skin.
Yes to stepping out of comfort zones. Inhibitions cracked
like the eagle of soon to be six foot wings busting through a hard
shell with open maw ready to “Eat More Food!” And we all get
to ride this born again bus, incubating in the ripe dimthuey
of smelly socks, snores , sneezes and sighs. And Yes! To riding
no matter where we’re from, or who we worship or how deep
we’ve drunk of the very cup of trembling. This bus is out to prove
that Happiness floats as we wade on in, back to Mama, bobbering
with shrimp and fly larvae in a lime green brine as Tufus, of course,
can’t help but trumpet, “Yum, Yum!” Yum Yum to curry seasoned
with the spice of a sunset that takes us in , no matter how small we are,
no matter how our hearts have numbed and pulls us up to scampering
on tip toes every which way because it’s so everywhere and suddenly
we are everywhere and with everyone who has ever loved us. Earth! We
grab for cell phones to try and text a photo but not even the vroom of devices
can keep up with this feeling as still more dappled dusk divines
into the pulse of a heart becoming a river braiding its way into story:
and then! and then! and then! And you’re still talking about the sunset!
And then: Even when there’s dishes to do a musical medley breaks
out in the musical notes of what a heart can gather like the smell
of Ponderosa Pine, the shine of morning sun on obsidian, Aspen giving
their gold away, towering crescendos of white granite, meadows
called Tuolumne (To All o’ Me), and spires of trees at night stirring
the stars into a milkiness that dawns. And these songlines imprint
your soul so that in those moments when it’s utterly dark and you’re
furthest away, you find a memory floating up inside you like a moon,
you thought was clouded over, slowly emerges from a total eclipse
and you catch yourself humming, “Yum. Yum!”